Tuesday, February 24, 2009

On Behalf of Tuesday

It is now Tuesday. Tuesday is one of those days that has little or no meaning during the average week. Monday...the dreaded beginning of the week. The appearance of Wednesday indicates the middle of the week and half way to the weekend. Thursday is the day before Friday (which I believe I have explained before)! Thursday indicates that Friday is almost here. Finally, Friday. Friday is self-explanatory, since it is the beginning of the weekend, as is Saturday. Sunday is a mixed bag. Still the weekend but technically the day before Monday (which is not a good place to be in the grand scheme of things). Tuesday is just there. There is no pre-Wednesday anticipation at this point, nothing inherently interesting, exciting, or different about Tuesday's to point out.

The whole reason that we get so excited about Friday is because we don't have to work on the weekends. Right? The weekend is the time to go out with friends, go shopping, sleep in, investigate new and interesting places in your city. It's a time for rest and relaxation. It is the time away from the time you spend working...working time The whole point of the weekend is really to rejuvenate you for another long week at work.

So...I guess my thought is this: Tuesday really isn't so bad. In fact, there really is no difference between a Tuesday and a Friday. Ok, so I hear what you're thinking. Tuesday is not WONDERFUL, like a Friday, but when you don't have a job there is nothing to get away from and therefore nothing to look forward to on the weekend. There is really no difference between a Monday, a Wednesday, or a Tuesday (or any of the other days in the week). I am going to find something fun to do every Tuesday until I find something better to do with my time and I start living for Friday again.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

And I watched the traffic

While coming home from my solo movie tonight (which I am very proud of) I took an over pass that crossed I85. As I got to the midway point of the bridge, I glanced to my right side and watched the traffic in the distance. It's hard not to notice the HUGE number of cars moving on the freeway even later in the evening...someone in Atlanta is always moving, always rushing to go somewhere. For some reason, maybe it was the song I was listening to on the radio: Lost? by Coldplay...and it is specifically the Lost? version of the song (acoustic version) and not the Lost! version of the song (although I do like both of them). This song makes me sad and hopeful all at the same time. I wish that I could see it through the eyes of the person who wrote it. I said "see" intentionally, because I think it has a direct affect on the way that you see whatever you are looking at when you listen to the song. So what was this writer looking at when the song was written?

ANYWAY, for some reason, perhaps because of the song, I had this strange feeling that if I concentrated hard enough that I could make everything better for everyone. Make all of the bad things that are happening right now (just generally speaking) stop, save them all. This was centrally focused on the city of Atlanta, but not unlike the concept of being able to wrap an invisible bubble of protection around everything within your mind's eye (kinda like a certain scene in a certain book where the main character is standing in the middle of an opening in the forest with her family and she protects them invisibly from a not so invisible foe, one member of this aforementioned not so invisible foe may be played by Dakota Fanning in an coming movie). I really wish I had a picture of the amazing number of cars traveling on the freeway, under the bridge. I just want to know where they were going. I hope they were all going to a movie, or out for dinner, and that nothing bad compelled them to leave their houses tonight and drive north.

I have to add that I had NOT been drinking (at this point) this evening. I guess I was just meant to have super powers.

I saw Coraline in 3D tonight. I forgot how much I love 3D movies. It was a little bit scarier than I maybe thought it should have been considering how many smaller kids were in there, but honestly, with WHO directed it, etc, I think we should just assume a slight level of scary walking in to things. It was visually amazing. I am, again, amazed at the way that other people see the world.

El Jefe and I almost had to have a "very serious" discussion this evening. A discussion about bread and why it is not acceptable for him to STEAL the delicious Italian bread loaf off of the counter and keep it all for himself. 1) It will go straight to his hips and there already isn't enough space in the hallway for him to turn around gracefully 2) The bread is for dinner tonight and tomorrow (tonight: yummy Greek salad tomorrow Pasta with Sweet Italian Chicken Sausage). We did not have the discussion about the bread because I somehow interrupted his attempt to steal the bread and eat it all for himself because he only got almonds (in front of the bread spatially on the counter). I do see some very large doggy toothy marks in some of the almonds...but at least he didn't get the bread.

Friday, February 20, 2009

An Example!

It didn't even take that long.

I found an example of someone who is more interesting, creative, and entertaining than me.

Be prepared to be amazed and don't forget to click on the fashion blog, too!

And it looks like she didn't have to THINK about being more interesting, or more entertaining. It just happened for her. I believe, firmly!, that this is actually my problem. Other people are inherently more interesting, creative, and entertaining than me, or I.C.E.

The OR here...

Or, I just haven't figured out what it is that would make me I.C.E. I wonder how you figure that out?

"Oh, Magic Box, please explain this to me! In English, please."

Oh, whoa is me

I did something tricky there. Did you notice? It isn't woe as in woe but more like whoa. Yeah. I had my interview today, picked up lunch, and came home to work on pretty much whatever came to mind. I am saying "whoa" because it seems like the time is going very fast. This is the end of my 2nd week of Homemakery (or whatever the appropriate word would be for that). I really didn't expect the time to go so fast, honestly.

The Interview: After I spent quite a bit of time getting ready, as well as ironing my "interview" clothes, putting gas in the car, worrying about what I was going to say, and driving 32 miles (that's 64 miles round trip)...my interview was a total of 17 minutes (or so as I didn't wear a watch today). It was a fairly informal interview. If I am found worthy I may be asked to return next week and dance for them like the trained pony that I am. Oh, I hate the state of the economy in the U.S. for more reasons than I can even mention here! There are so many things that I would rather be doing, other than working for this company (the only company that I have had an interview with in the last two weeks). What are these things that I would rather be doing, you might be wondering right now? 1) going back to school to finish that pesky college degree that I never got around to putting the final ink on 2) working on some awesome kind of art project that could potentially be sold for a profit (small profit though it might be). 3) Doing some kind of work outside like gardening or something. 4) teaching a fun subject to small children: art, reading, something like that. I will leave at those 4 items mainly because I don't want to bore anyone (bore who? No one reads this but me. Oh, well, someone might stumble by at some point and find it interesting.).

Speaking of interesting: I have completely lost the battle with myself regarding the news. I still read several news sites every day, multiple times per day. Actually I sometimes sit and refresh those news site pages just like I do my "counts" on the job websites that show how many hits I have had on my resume (s).

I have also decided that I am the least interesting and least creative person in the world. Maybe I should go to the doctor...there is a pill or a shot for that, right?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thursday, Thursday, Thursday

So, yes, today is Thursday. I probably didn't need to tell you that. You probably already knew that it was Thursday. Thursday is the day before Friday and on Friday I have a job interview. The first job interview that I have had in the two weeks since my last contract ended. The interview is at 1PM tomorrow afternoon....so I guess wish me luck?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ain't No Sunshine...

It is raining today! I woke up with a headache and before I even opened my eyes, I knew it had to be raining. For some reason when the barometric pressure changes dramatically in a short period of time, I get a headache. Great! All of the lovely plans I had that involved being outside have gone down the drain. Which makes me think of something else: Every time I go the Farmer's Market, which really isn't a Farmer's Market, I pass by a place where I can buy a rain barrel and I really want one. More on that some other day.

My original plan for today involved a park, a chicken, and some pastels. El Jefe and I had selected a lovely park to go to this morning as he just came home from the vet yesterday with proof that he has been given his rabies vaccination. What better way to celebrate being "legal" again than to go play in the park? We have never been to this particular park so it was rather exciting to contemplate getting him off the couch and outside to run around. He has taken the news rather hard and is sleeping away his disappointment on the couch...if you concentrate really hard I bet you can hear him snoring. I had also planned to make chicken soup. And I might still do that especially since it is raining and looks rather yucky outside. It is mid February so we only have a few more weeks to deal with this type of weather. So that takes care of the park, and the chicken. Then we have the pastels. I had planned to be artistic today, hence the pastels. I figured while I was making the stock for the chicken soup that I could be out on the front porch working on something. Something that would make me happy. It's really about whatever strikes me at the moment. I don't really have an adequate location in the house to work with pastels, or paint as I am just too messy with the stuff.

And I should also add that I haven't received one call from any of the applications I put out on Friday of last week. I have another round of them to send out today with my newly modified resume.

Today is the first day after President Obama signed the stimulus bill. I nearly threw up two times yesterday watching stocks fall (not that I have any money in them to begin with) and I intend to start keeping track of how long it takes for the stimulus bill to have a positive effect.

And the soup is on hold...or is being reformulated into something else.

I might stop reading the news altogether because it is depressing.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

There is a first time for everything.

And no, I am not referring to this blog. I've tried blogging before. I've always failed, OR the blog has turned in to a method of communication reserved for a small number of folks. This time WILL BE DIFFERENT! Or at least that is what I am telling myself right now.

There really is a first time for everything. I, for the first time in my life, have crossed the line to the other side and become...duh duh duh...a Homemaker. Well, not REALLY. I am actually unemployed but prefer to think of myself as a Homemaker, hopefully in the short term, versus contemplating the fact that I am unemployed and that the odds are stacking against me. This isn't just the normal stacking either. Being from a lower-middle class family it's socially almost impossible to climb my way to upper class. But I was shooting for solidly middle class or perhaps, dare I dream, upper-middle class. So, since I am trying to make such a huge "class" jump already the odds have always been leaning against me. The current state of the economy is helping to increase the weight of the stack. Oh, right. One small caveat to the "Homemaker" status I have chosen to bestow on myself: I have no children. I have a boyfriend who works 80+ hours a week from home. I have a dog. He is part Grumpy Old Man (think Walter Matthau) and part caffeinated preschooler.

So really I have no reason to give myself the title of Homemaker Extraordinaire (I have just bestowed this title on myself now and originally it was just supposed to be Homemaker...but I need something to keep me going), but I'm going to do it anyway because I now have time to cook, and clean, along with a variety of other items that I am currently keeping track of in a small, non-descript notebook with some wonderful, erasable pens (variety of colors). Oh, and if you would like to see the pens look here: JetPens

The point of this adventure is actually to track the "Homemaking" time in a way that will not seem so bad, and give me something to look back on at some point in the future when times are better. Hopefully, it will be interesting to others who are potentially in the same situation, and it might even be humorous to those NOT in the same position...or vice versa. We (Royal Homemaker Extraordinaire use of the word WE) might post the list of things that are being tracked in the handy moleskin notebook tomorrow. But right now my preschooler's flair needs to be adjusted (he's wearing a neckerchief because the groomer at his vet finds it entertaining to dress up even 85 pounders).