Tuesday, February 17, 2009

There is a first time for everything.

And no, I am not referring to this blog. I've tried blogging before. I've always failed, OR the blog has turned in to a method of communication reserved for a small number of folks. This time WILL BE DIFFERENT! Or at least that is what I am telling myself right now.

There really is a first time for everything. I, for the first time in my life, have crossed the line to the other side and become...duh duh duh...a Homemaker. Well, not REALLY. I am actually unemployed but prefer to think of myself as a Homemaker, hopefully in the short term, versus contemplating the fact that I am unemployed and that the odds are stacking against me. This isn't just the normal stacking either. Being from a lower-middle class family it's socially almost impossible to climb my way to upper class. But I was shooting for solidly middle class or perhaps, dare I dream, upper-middle class. So, since I am trying to make such a huge "class" jump already the odds have always been leaning against me. The current state of the economy is helping to increase the weight of the stack. Oh, right. One small caveat to the "Homemaker" status I have chosen to bestow on myself: I have no children. I have a boyfriend who works 80+ hours a week from home. I have a dog. He is part Grumpy Old Man (think Walter Matthau) and part caffeinated preschooler.

So really I have no reason to give myself the title of Homemaker Extraordinaire (I have just bestowed this title on myself now and originally it was just supposed to be Homemaker...but I need something to keep me going), but I'm going to do it anyway because I now have time to cook, and clean, along with a variety of other items that I am currently keeping track of in a small, non-descript notebook with some wonderful, erasable pens (variety of colors). Oh, and if you would like to see the pens look here: JetPens

The point of this adventure is actually to track the "Homemaking" time in a way that will not seem so bad, and give me something to look back on at some point in the future when times are better. Hopefully, it will be interesting to others who are potentially in the same situation, and it might even be humorous to those NOT in the same position...or vice versa. We (Royal Homemaker Extraordinaire use of the word WE) might post the list of things that are being tracked in the handy moleskin notebook tomorrow. But right now my preschooler's flair needs to be adjusted (he's wearing a neckerchief because the groomer at his vet finds it entertaining to dress up even 85 pounders).

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Welcome back to blogland. :)

    Sometimes, when life changes course ... without one's permission ... it ends up being a great opportunity to explore other avenues. You might love being a homemaker and could even find ways to market some of your new found talents. Perhaps not going to an office will give you time to nurture hobbies ... and these days ... it's not a stretch of the imagination to turn hobbies into a full time job.

    I know that being without a job is hard. Regardless of what we tell ourselves, it bothers our egos. But something I try to tell myself (over and over and over again) is that there are many paths which lead to our goal ... so if one doesn't work, perhaps another will. We just have to be open to it.

    BTW ... thank you for following Reduce Footprints. I'm following you, as well, and will add you to my blog roll.

    Take Care!

    Small Footprints
