Sunday, March 1, 2009

Ode to Snow

I live in the south.  And it's snowing.  Not the small quantities that we normally get, but slow, fat snowflakes that land on the ground and stay.  They stay where ever they land!  In the south this is also known as "Apocalypse Snowish".  All bread, milk, eggs, butter (and beer if it weren't Sunday) disappear off of the shelves of local grocery stores.  It is the end of the world as we know it...actually the increase in sirens is a little nerve wracking as I am hearing a lot of them even for our neighborHOOD.  

 Half of a snow man now exists on my back deck because the snow is sticking (not just melting as soon as it touches the ground as it normally does here)!  It's thick and heavy and the PERFECT consistency for snow balls and other snow related activities.  I made two snow balls in the parking lot at the grocery store as I was cleaning my car off.  The rest of the people in the parking lot stood watching me as I brushed my car off with my bare hands.  Snow will not kill you...nor will it instantly turn you into ice.  And when I got home,I took El Jefe outside (both front and back) to play in it.  Me in my jeans and funny hat, and him in his pepper and salt fur.  I did not make a snow angel (too much mud under the snow) but I seriously considered it and El Jefe, who is nearly 78 in our years, jumped in the snow like a jack rabbit.  He also ate every snow ball I tried to round out for the snow man.  He pounced on my half completed snow man and took a huge bite out of the second snow ball... not just once but every time I was almost done.  I tried explaining the significance of snow in the ATL, also tried to explain that it wouldn't last long and that we had to work quickly.  In one furry ear and out the other furry ear.  Instead of a snow man I now have a snow child...or a snow dog depending on how you look at it.  We didn't have any mittens laying around either, so before I started working in the snow I put on large work gloves that are normally used when Sol does the yard work.  They are now all wet and have been laid out on the counter to much fun to play in the snow even if you don't have the right equipment (such as shovels and snow pants).  My jeans and sweater are soaked from our romp on the deck in the snow.  

A rather large tree branch fell on my car due to the weight of the heavy snow. I think the car is ok, but the tree the branch came from is not.  I am going to investigate the status of the tree to determine if I need to move my car for fear of additional tree limbs coming to visit it.  

It is now about 3 hours after the beginning of our snow storm.  This is not only unusual for this area but I am fairly certain that this hasn't happened in years.  All of the traffic out of the airport has been grounded, a yearly 10K (or some length) has been cancelled, and the ptb (powers that be) are determining whether or not the little ones that are outside making muddy snow men will have to be in school tomorrow morning.  

Oh, how I wish I had a job or was going to school as snow days in the south are few and far between!  I have taken pictures to commemorate the occasion and will post them here eventually.  Ah, and chocolate cupcakes will soon go into the oven!  I guess that's a good way to celebrate the snow.   

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